


The Center for International Education at Chingshin Academy follows a curriculum dedicated to an international vision for education. From K-12, we provide a twelve year immersive English program to help students build a global perspective and discover their place in the world. This unique environment develops students’ language potential and provides an innovative space for collaborative learning and intellectual risk-taking. 


+Our Graduates

·Exhibit high proficiency in the English language 

·Practice learning as a behavior not a means to an exam

·Express themselves creatively in the academic context

·Appreciate all cultures and work well in diverse teams

·Demonstrate global readiness in social, academic, and career contexts


+Teaching Philosophy 

·The secret behind successful second language acquisition lies in cultivating learners’ interest 

·Language skill advancements through idea generation, discussion, and real life application fuels intellectual growth and creative expression.

·Students should know how they learn best and be prepared for lifelong learning beyond the classroom.


+Curriculum Design

To achieve the visions and goals above, we adhere to the following principals in our twelve year English curriculum design  


·Student Centered Teaching

Central to the English curriculum lies our commitment to unlock every student's potential. Over 65 years, our beliefs remain that student centered teaching is the most effective method in reaching this goal. Our abiding focus on differentiated learning accommodates all types of learners with targeted learning materials, varied class size/lengths, and multidisciplinary activities. With a diverse toolbox of technology, discussions mediums, and real life application opportunities, we aim to excite students at the prospect of learning while at the same time, provide them with a stage to showcase their achievements through exhibitions and competitions.  


·Knowledge and Skills

Effective student centered teaching requires a solid pedagogical framework and an experienced teaching staff. Adhering to the highest standards, Çhingshin Academy follows a rigorous curriculum facilitated by both Chinese and foreign teachers. Through many projects and activities, our students develop best practices for learning at an early age and are constantly challenged to advance their cognitive skills in the target language. As both Chinese and English languages have their strengths, our students benefit from having concepts presented to them from different perspectives across content areas and languages to bolster meaningful learning. Our teachers also set student standards beyond Taiwan’s national requirement in all areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


·Course Materials

§  Interdisciplinary article collection

§  Classic Literature Books

§  Classic Literature Anthology

§  Reading strategy textbook (written in-house)\

§  Grammar translation materials (written in-house)

§  English newspapers and magazines

§  Colloquial English vocabulary 

§  Academic English vocabulary 


·International Standard

From first grade, our students participate in annual international standardized assessments such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) to measure progress. Additionally, we encourage students to develop short term and long term goal to help realize personal growth. Finally, our students strive to demonstrate creativity and adaptability when communicating with peers worldwide through exchange programs and pen pal projects. 


·Cultural Education

 The Chingshin Academy goal is to cultivate engaged, confident, and adaptable citizens of the world. Through a plethora of interdisciplinary courses, cultural events, and diverse staff, we expand their worldview to appreciate all cultures. In educating students on other countries and other perspectives, our program answers the current call for global readiness.